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Category: Volunteer Organisers Network Volunteer Organisers Network / Rhwydwaith Trefnwyr Gwirfoddoli


This is a supportive network giving third sector organisations a chance to share and learn from each other.   If you want to showcase your work, seek help to overcome an obstacle, promote volunteering opportunities, get support for an event, or simply tune in to what’s happening in Flintshire’s volunteer sector, this is the network for you.   

Mae’r Rhwydwaith Trefnwyr Gwirfoddolwyr yn cynnig cyfle i fudiadau tr ydydd sector gwrdd i drafod materion cyfredol a chynorthwyo a chefnogi ei gilydd. Hefyd mae’n gyfle i’r mudiadau rannu ymarfer da a gwybodaeth ynghyd â hyrwyddo Cyfleoedd Gwirfoddoli a
digwyddiadau ledled Sir y Fflint.

Unit 3 Mold Business Park
Wrexham Road
Mold, Flintshire CH7 1XP

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