Partnerships, Forums and Networks

FLVC, AVOW and other representatives from the third sector represent the sector on a number of multi-agency partnerships, forums and networks, across a range of service areas.
Public Service Boards
The purpose of Public Services Boards (PSBs) is to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural wellbeing in its area by strengthening joint working across all public services in Wales.
The Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 establishes statutory PSBs which will replace the voluntary Local Service Boards in each local authority area. Each board will:
- assess the state of economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being in its area
- set objectives that are designed to maximise the PSBs contribution to the well-being goals.
Each PSB must prepare and publish a plan setting out its objectives and the steps it will take to meet them. This is called a Local Well-being Plan. It must say:
- why the PSB feels their objectives will contribute within their local area to achieving the well-being goals
- how it has had regard to the assessment of Local Well-being in setting its objectives and steps to take.
Each PSB will carry out an annual review of their plan showing their progress. When producing their assessments of local well-being and Local Well-being plan, PSBs must consult widely.
- Flintshire PSB (third sector representative: Ann Woods, FLVC)
- Wrexham PSB (third sector representative: John Gallanders, AVOW)
North Wales Regional Partnership Board
Part 9 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 requires that each region in Wales establishes a Regional Partnership Board to oversee Partnerships and Integration of Services. The North Wales Regional Partnership Board was established in April 2016 and met in shadow form until the Board became fully operational in September 2016.
The Board currently meets monthly and membership of the Board includes the Local Authorities, the Health Board, Third Sector representatives, service user and carer representative as well as co-opted members from the North Wales Police, Welsh Ambulance Services Trust, and North Wales Fire Service.
The purpose of the Regional Partnership Boards is to improve outcome and well-being of people, as well as improving the efficiency and effectiveness of services.
- Third Sector Representatives:
- David Worrall, British Red Cross
- Lynda Colwell, Care & Repair Conwy & Denbighshire
- Wendy Jones, Community & Voluntary Support Conwy (CVSC)
- Deputy: Roma Hooper, Action for Children
- Carer Representatives:
- Jenny Lewis
- Peter Williams
Safeguarding Board
(No third sector rep on adult safeguarding board)
The Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 introduces a strengthened, robust and effective partnership approach to safeguarding.
The Welsh Government is establishing a National Independent Safeguarding Board to work with the safeguarding adults boards and safeguarding children boards across Wales.
The board’s duties will be to:
- provide support and advice to safeguarding boards with a view to ensuring that they are effective
- report on the adequacy and effectiveness of arrangements to safeguard children and adults in Wales
- make recommendations to the Welsh Ministers as to how those arrangements could be improved.
Find out more about the North Wales Safeguarding Board by visiting their dedicated website. They have information about the Board as well as policies and procedures, practice reviews, and details of events and training.
Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board (BCUHB)
North Wales Community Health Council (NWCHC)
The North Wales Community Health Council (NWCHC) represents the voice of patients and the public who use the health service in our area. The NWCHC plays a crucial role in influencing the way that the health services are planned and delivered in order to ensure the best possible health and wellbeing outcomes for the people of North Wales. NWCHC's strength lies both in its statutory status and its ability to represent the interests of patients and the public free from any vested interests. It is the link between those who plan and deliver the services and the end user.
Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG)
The Stakeholder Reference Group (SRG) acts as an advisory group to the Health Board, providing independent advice on any aspect of Health Board business. This may include:
- Early engagement and involvement in the determination of BCUHB's overall strategic direction
- Advice on specific service proposals prior to formal consultation
- Feedback on the impact of BCUHB's operations on the communities it serves
BCUHB Health Board Committees and Advisory Groups’ Meetings
The Health Board welcomes and encourages members of the public and press to attend its Board and Committee meetings. Members of the public and press are not permitted to speak at meetings (unless by subject of special arrangement).
The majority of the Board/ Committee business is transacted in public but on occasion there will be certain items that are dealt with in confidential/ closed session sometimes referred to as 'In Committee' business. This will be because the business is of a confidential nature, for example, dealing with individual people, contracts, or the financial affairs of other parties.
Due to the geographic size of the Health Board and in order to be representative meetings of the Board and some of its Committees are peripatetic and accordingly meet in different parts of North Wales. You therefore need to check the venue for the respective meeting you are interested in attending.
If you plan to attend any meeting please inform the relevant contact (see Secretarial support listed for each Body) prior to the meeting who will be able to confirm the latest arrangements, and discuss any particular special requirements you may have to assist your attendance e.g. hearing loop /large print agenda /disability access to the building, bus routes, car parking etc.
Notifying the Secretariat of your intention to attend would be helpful to ensure that the venue size is suitable for the numbers attending.
- Audit Committee
- Charitable Funds Committee
- Charitable Funds Advisory Group
- Digital and Information Governance Committee
- Mental Health Act Committee
- Power of Discharge Sub-Committee
- Quality, Safety and Experience Committee
- Strategy, Partnerships and Population Health Committee
- Finance and Performance Committee
- Renumeration and Terms of Service Committee
- Healthcare Professionals Forum (HPF)
- Local Partnership Forum (LPF)