Trusted Standard Level 1 Awarded to FLVC
Flintshire Local Voluntary Council has recently achieved the Trusted Standard Level 1 recognising the excellent work it does as a third sector organisation in Wales.
Flintshire Local Voluntary Council have recently been awarded Trusted Charity Status. The quality mark is awarded after an online and independent assessment. Hosted by the Growth company (Weblink) , the standard covers areas of assessment such as Governance, Planning and working with others, Chief Officer Ann Woods also recently co-hosted a national Webinar on the Core standards of the Award, sharing FLVC’s experience of the assessment process.
‘The Trusted Charity assessment process provided a focussed work plan for us as an organisation to look at areas for development, whilst also giving us the opportunity to reflect on things we do well. Trustees and the whole staff team were involved in the assessment process, which ensured we all take ownership of the organisation’s aim to deliver a high quality service to the Third Sector’. Ann Woods Chief Officer, FLVC
“There is a high level of engagement at local, regional and national level for a relatively small organisation. FLVC is able to influence and make a real difference to strategic plans and policy which impact on their community. This ability to ‘punch above their weight’ is testament to the leadership of the organisation and the relationships and reputation it has built over many years. It also reflects the values upheld by the leaders, including avoiding competition with local Voluntary Sector Organisations (VSOs). The outcomes of this proactive partnership working is that FLVC is invited to contribute to, chair and be actively involved in several influential networks and forums.
Such work not only has a positive impact on local or regional issues but also helps to inform national strategy, activities and resources.” Dr. Sue Newberry
If any organisation is interested in the Award the contact details are [email protected] , or give FLVC a call for an informal chat about what is involved 01352 744000, [email protected]