High Sheriff of Clwyd Community Awards 2025
Meet The Funder Community Foundation Wales
Hybrid Meet The Funder – National Lottery Heritage Fund
Trustees’ Week 4 – 8 November 2024
Funding Fair
Welsh Charity Awards 2024
FLVC’s Young Volunteer Awards 2024
Small Charities Week 24th – 28th June 2024
Volunteers’ Week 2024
Volunteers Appreciation Week June 2024
Meet The Funder – Community Foundation Wales
High Sheriff of Clwyd’s Annual Awards 2024
National Lottery Community Fund Surgery
Apprenticeship Experience Week
Trusted Standard Level 1 Awarded to FLVC
Flintshire Volunteer Organisers Network Meeting
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Nominations are now open for the High Sheriff of Clwyd’s Community Awards 2025
The High Sheriff Awards nomination process for 2025 is now underway. Nominate someone special who does great things here in Flintshire!
The awards, established in 2013, recognise individuals and community groups with charitable aims that have made outstanding contributions in their communities. Over the years countless volunteers and groups have been recognised for their extraordinary efforts.
There are three awards given for each of the counties that form the preserved County of Clwyd: Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham:
- Two awards for outstanding contribution by an individual
- One award for outstanding contribution by a voluntary or community group with charitable aims
Nomination forms and guidance notes can be downloaded from the Community and Voluntary Support Conwy (CVSC) website or here High_Sheriff_of_Clwyd_Nomination_Form_2025_ENG
The closing date for the submission of signed nominations is noon on Friday 17th January 2025. All nominations regardless of county of origin should be sent to Community and Voluntary Support Conwy (CVSC) at [email protected]
The winners will be presented with their awards at a special recognition ceremony to be held in late March 2025.
Join us for an online Meet the Funder event with Community Foundation Wales
The session will cover the following funds: Flintshire Funds Grants for Groups, Fund for Wales and the True Venture Foundation.
The session will take place on Monday November 25 at 11am. Links to join the session will be sent via email.
To book your place on the event please Click Here
Information about the funds below – if you have any queries please email [email protected]
Community Foundation Wales – Flintshire Funds Grants for Groups
The Foundation’s Flintshire two Funds, the Flintshire Community Endowment Fund and the Flintshire Welsh Church Act Fund have re-opened for applications for applications from groups:
The Flintshire Community Endowment Fund supports:
- Projects that provide the educational development of school aged children and young people
- Projects that provide the educational development of children in the early years
- School based projects that encourage healthy living
The Flintshire Welsh Church Act Fund supports:
- Projects that contribute to the refurbishment and upkeep of churches, chapels and community/village halls within the county.
- Projects working to address disadvantage to benefit Flintshire residents.
- Projects providing social and recreational activities for Flintshire residents.
Churches and organisations working with residents of the Local Authority area of Flintshire can apply for grants up to £1,000 for a one-year project or small capital funding; or multi-year funding of up to 3 years for core funding.
Preference will be given to applicants who can demonstrate exactly how they will meet the Fund’s objectives and priorities, and who have not previously received support from this Fund.
The closing date for applications is 12 noon pm 16th December 2024
Fund for Wales, in partnership with the People’s Postcode Lottery, is now OPEN for applications! If you’re a small, community-led charity or voluntary organisation with an annual income under £100,000, you could receive grants of £500 – £2,000 per year for up to 3 years!
These grants support projects that: Improve people’s chances in life Build stronger communities Enhance rural and urban environments Promote healthier, more active lifestyles Preserve heritage & culture
Find out more and apply here
True Venture Foundation
The True Venture Foundation Fund supports small community-based sports clubs working across North Wales with grants of between £500 and £2,500 to help encourage children and young people to try sport, love sport and stay in sport.
The closing date is Monday 6th January 2025 (midday). Find out more here: https://communityfoundationwales.org.uk/grants/true-venture-fund
Also may touch on the
- Hawarden & District in Need Fund / Cronfa Gymorth Penarlâg a’r Cylch https://communityfoundationwales.org.uk/grants/hawarden-district-relief-in-need-fund/
- North East Wales Science Fund – Individuals / Cronfa Gwyddoniaeth Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru – Unigolion https://communityfoundationwales.org.uk/grants/north-east-wales-science-fund-individuals/
Flintshire Local Voluntary Council invite you to a Hybrid meet the funder session with National Lottery Heritage fund
Our informal session will explore:
- how heritage can be used to bring about benefits for people, places and our natural environment.
- what a well-planned project looks like and how to write a strong funding application to The National Lottery Heritage Fund.
You will also have the opportunity to share your project ideas and ask any questions you may have
for more information and to book your place click here
Trustees’ Week
This year, Trustees’ Week takes place from 4 November to 8 November 2024.
Events all around the country will celebrate the achievements of trustees, as well as highlight opportunities for you to get involved with a local charity or voluntary organisation at board level.
For further information please visit the Trustees Week website.
By visiting the website, you can find information about the week, view Trustee stories, take the Trustee quiz, discover events & updates and so much more.
Funding Fair with Hannah Blythyn MS & FLVC
Join us on Friday 18th October, to connect with a variety of funders who will be available to discuss a range of funding opportunities that you can explore. Drop in between 10am and 1.30pm at the Daniel Own Centre, Mold.
Funders in attendance
- National Lottery Community Fund
- Sport Wales
- Steve Morgan Foundation
- National Lottery Heritage Fund
- National Churches Trust
- WCVA/Landfill Disposals Tax Community Scheme
- Cadwyn Clwyd/Rural Connectivity Programme
- FLVC/Youth Led Grant
- Police: PACT & N Wales PCC grants
- Business Wales
- Hannah Blythyn’s Office
For more information email [email protected]
Welsh Charity Awards 2024 – nominations now open
The Welsh Charity Awards are back! The awards, organised by WCVA, recognise and celebrate the fantastic contribution charities, community groups, not-for-profits and volunteers make to Wales by highlighting and championing the positive difference we can make to each other’s lives.
This is your chance to celebrate the life changing impact of not only charities but volunteers and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes in Wales. Whether or not they’re an award winner or finalist, being nominated for an award shows an organisation or individual that their work is valued and makes a huge difference.
There are eight categories in this year’s Welsh Charity Awards:
- Volunteer of the Year (26 and over)
- Young Volunteer of the Year (25 and under)
- Fundraiser of the year
- Champion of diversity award
- Best use of Welsh language award
- Most influential small organisation
- Health and wellbeing award
- Organisation of the year award
Making a nomination is easy, simply visit the Welsh Charity Awards website and, read the rules and complete the online form.
So please take this opportunity to shout about your favourite voluntary organisation or volunteer, and give them the chance of getting some well-earned recognition and a glitzy night to remember at the Welsh Charity Awards ceremony.
The deadline for nominations is 13 September 2024. For more information and to nominate, visit www.welshcharityawards.cymru.
The Welsh Charity Awards are made possible thanks to headline sponsor The Open University Wales and the other category sponsors.
An opportunity to say “thank you” and “well done” to young volunteers
Young people in Flintshire are doing some amazing things to help others in this area and beyond. We want to celebrate and recognise the impact that the voluntary gift of their time has for individuals, local communities and the environment.
If there are young people volunteering with your group / organisation, in any role, please take this opportunity to nominate them for our Young Volunteer Awards – everybody nominated will receive a certificate and there are awards for the Young Volunteer of the Year and the Young Volunteers Group Award 2024 if you have a great team of young people helping you.
The nomination process is short and simple :
Young Volunteer of the Year Award Nomination Form
Young Volunteers Group Award Nomination Form
Closing date for nominations: Thursday 12 September 2024.
If you have any questions, please contact [email protected] or phone 01352 744000
Don’t miss this chance to highlight the positive contribution made by young people who want to help others.
Small Charities Week
this year runs Monday 24- Friday 28 June. NCVO have organised a range of free online workshops and pre-bookable advice slots on topics such as:
- Energy advice
- Insurance reviews
- Introduction to bid writing
- Successful charity partnerships with corporates and local authorities
Full information and booking here: Events (smallcharityweek.com)
Resources available here: Resources | Small Charity Week
Is your small charity a member of FLVC? If not, then we would love to welcome you to become a full member of FLVC and get the benefits we offer – it is free of charge and full details can be found at: Membership (flvc.org.uk)
Volunteers’ Week 2024
Last week saw a lot of activity here at FLVC as we celebrated Volunteers’ Week with certificates and cake (LOTS of cake).
We visited 18 local voluntary groups to present a certificate of appreciation for all that their volunteers do to help make life better for others. We brought cake, we took lots of photos and we heard from many volunteers about what brought them to volunteer in that organisation, their favourite moments as a volunteer and some hilarious stories of when things went a bit awry!
Thank you for welcoming us to your events and we look forward to doing it all again next year.
Volunteers’ Week this year runs from Monday 3 to Sunday 9 June
**Additional Slots now added for Wednesday 5th June**
Instead of running an event in Mold, as we had originally planned, we are now offering to bring Volunteers’ Week to you!
In recognition of the huge contribution that volunteers make to our society, we would like to come along to your group to present a Certificate of Thanks to your organisation to show appreciation of everything that your volunteers do to make life better for others. We will take photos of the certificate being presented and will promote what your volunteers do through our social media accounts and our website, we will also bring cake! Feel free to invite your volunteers along as well.
If you would like someone from FLVC to visit you (in Flintshire!) during Volunteers’ Week (but not Wednesday 5 June), please book a time using this link https://form.jotform.com/241433951567360 and we will then contact you to confirm the arrangements. If there is no suitable date or time for you showing on the link, then please email us, as we will do our best to fit in as many visits as we can that week, time permitting! We have some evening and weekend times available us well – just email [email protected] with your preferred date and time, also giving the venue details for the visit and we will get back to you.
Book soon, so we know how much cake to buy!
If you would like to produce individual certificates for your volunteers, there is a link to one you can use here
Meet The Funder Online event
FLVC are hosting a Meet The funder event with Community Foundation Wales on Thursday 23rd May at 11am.
Book your place HERE
Manylion y gronfa
Sefydliad Cymunedol Cymru – Cronfeydd Sir y Fflint ar gyfer grwpiau
Mae’r ddwy gronfa’r Sefydliad i Sir Y Fflint, y Gronfa Waddol Cymunedol a’r Gronfa Ddeddf yr Eglwys wedi ei ailagor ar gyfer ceisiadau gan grwpiau:
Mae Cronfa Waddol Gymunedol Sir y Fflint yn cefnogi:
- Prosiectau sy’n darparu datblygiad addysgol ar gyfer plant a phobl ifanc o oedran ysgol
- Prosiectau sy’n darparu datblygiad addysgol i blant yn y blynyddoedd cynnar
- Prosiectau mewn ysgolion sy’n annog byw yn iach
Mae Cronfa Ddeddf yr Eglwys yng Nghymru Sir y Fflint yn cefnogi:
- Prosiectau sy’n cyfrannu at adnewyddu a chynnal a chadw eglwysi, capeli a neuaddau pentref yn y sir.
- Prosiectau sy’n gweithio i ymladd anfantais er budd trigolion Sir y Fflint.
- Prosiect sy’n darparu gweithgareddau cymdeithasol a hamdden ar gyfer trigolion Sir y Fflint.
Gall Eglwysi a sefydliadau sy’n gweithio gyda thrigolion ardal Awdurdod Lleol Sir y Fflint wneud cais am grantiau hyd at £1,000 ar gyfer prosiect blwyddyn neu gyllid gyfalaf bach, neu gyllid aml-flwyddyn o hyd at 3 blynedd ar gyfer cyllid craidd.
Rhoddir blaenoriaeth i ymgeiswyr sy’n gallu dangos sut yn union y byddant yn bodloni amcanion a blaenoriaethau’r Gronfa, ac nad ydynt wedi cael cymorth gan y Gronfa hon o’r blaen.
Mae angen lenwi’r ffurflenni gais erbyn 12 y.p canolddydd, Mehefin 17 2024
The High Sheriff of Clywd’s Annual Community Awards were held on Saturday 9th March at Brynkinalt, Chirk – home of the current High Sheriff Kate Hill-Trevor. Those invited to attend were nominated by others in the community and The High Sheriff was delighted to be able to recognise and personally thank them for their dedication and commitment to the voluntary sector and their local communities.

Photo caption: L-r: The High Sheriff of Clwyd, Mrs Kate Hill-Trevor, with all the award winners and dignitaries of this year’s High Sheriffs Community Awards Ceremony at Brynkinalt, Chirk, Photography by Helen Baly. Please credit image @HelenBaley* on Instagram
Kate Hill-Trevor said “ Being High Sheriff is a tremendous privilege which has given me the opportunity to learn more about the uplifting projects that are happening here in North Wales and to meet some incredible people. Volunteers are active at the heart of every UK community, and it is very clear that the millions of people who give their time and skills to charities and community projects are quite simply an essential part of the world today.
However this work often goes unseen and unsung. These awards give me an opportunity to recognise a small number of the volunteers and organisations who work tirelessly within Clwyd to make a difference to those around them”.
The High Sheriff also welcomed the winners of the Crimebeat North Wales Project of the Year in Clwyd, Rhyl Youth Boxing Club - chosen in recognition of the outstanding work done by the club to support young people in Rhyl. She presented the Head Coach - Dan Andrews, A-J Hughes one of the young boxers and PC Simon Keeting from North Wales Police who is also a volunteer Coach at the Club with a glass trophy.

Photo caption: The High Sheriff of Clwyd, Mrs Kate Hill-Trevor, with Rhyl Boxing club - winners of the Crimebeat North Wales Project of the Year in Clwyd, L-r: PC Simon Keeting, Dan Andrews – Head Coach, The High Sheriff of Clwyd Kate Hill-Trevor, A-J Hughes and Dave Evans – North Wales Police & Crimebeat North Wales Photography by Helen Baly. Please credit image @HelenBaley* on Instagram
She said “Crimebeat supports projects undertaken to help to keep young people out of trouble, support victims of crime, stimulate an interest in voluntary work, improve school attendance and behaviour and generally improve the lives of everyone in the community. This year’s winners are a not-for-profit club who provide boxing training for young people from all social backgrounds as well as those disabilities and several Ukrainian refugees. They build friendships, respect and support between different generations and with the police, helping with social cohesion and a reduction in antisocial behaviour issues in the area, and are a wonderful example of the type of project that Crimebeat supports”
Nominations for the Community Awards are sought each year, with 2 individuals and one group winner being chosen from each of the four areas (Conwy, Denbighshire, Flintshire and Wrexham) that make up the now ceremonial preserved county of Clwyd.
The High Sheriff was delighted to have had a good number of nominations from a wide range of people and organisations and said “This is a wonderful reflection of the strength of the voluntary sector here in North Wales but it does make it very tough for the panel to choose the winners”.
Awards were presented in the presence of the Lord-Lieutenant, Henry Fetherstonhaugh OBE FRAgS, Superintendent Jon Bowcott and Special Constabulary Chief Officer of North Wales Police Mark Owen MBE, Ashley Rogers - Chair of PACT (Police and Community Trust) and Clwyd’s Under Sheriff - Mrs Sarah Noton of Swayne Johnson Solicitors, past High Sheriffs, the Chief Officers and representatives of the four Voluntary Councils of the area and selected guests.
The winners of each area are as follows:
Jenny and Hughie Fitzpatrick In recognition of their work to support the communities of Kinmel Bay.
Ann Vaughan In recognition of her work to support the communities of Bro Cernyw.
Incredible Edible Colwyn In recognition of their work establishing a number of community edible gardens in Colwyn Bay.
Nerys Haf Biddulph In recognition of her work to support refugee communities in Rhyl and Prestatyn.
Malcolm Wilkinson In recognition of his work with Friends of the Ffrith and community groups in Prestatyn and Meliden.
The Denbigh Workshop In recognition of their summer school programme working with disadvantaged young people.
Stephen Jones In recognition of his work to support and promote disability sport in Flintshire and beyond.
Daniel Reynolds In recognition of over 15 years volunteering to support the young people of 1st Mynydd Isa Scouts.
RainbowBiz CIC In recognition of their work to promote diversity in communities across Flintshire.
Caroline Richards In recognition of her work transforming the lives of young people through music.
Hywel Williams In recognition of over 15 years volunteering to support the annual Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
Marford and Gresford Luncheon and Caffi Group In recognition of their dedicated work to support older members of their communities.
High Sheriff Special Awards were given to:
Anna Buckley In recognition of her tireless work to support refugees and victims of the war in Ukraine.
Sion Edwards and Nicholas James In recognition of their inspirational work with young people at The Venture Youth Inclusion Project.
AVOW Young Influencers In recognition of their work to support the young people of Wrexham.
High Sheriff’s Personal Awards were given to:
Volunteer Police Cadets – Brooke Blake-Hains & Steffan Lea
In recognition of their enthusiasm and commitment as The High Sheriff’s Cadets and as a valued members of the Clwyd Crimebeat Committee.
We Mind the Gap In recognition of their work developing programmes to empower, inspire and support young local people.
The DPJ Foundation In recognition of their work regarding Mental Health in rural communities, supporting those with problems, raising awareness and providing training within the agricultural sector.
Theatr Clwyd In recognition of their work with the Justice in a Day crime education programme and multiple projects benefiting the local Community.
Chirk Hospital’s Circle of Friends In recognition of their continued fund raising and improvements in equipment and services for Chirk’s community hospital and nurses.
Wrexham AFC Community Trust In recognition of the Club’s Community projects and social cohesion work.
North Wales Police’s Volunteer Police Cadet Leaders In recognition of the voluntary time given to support and inspire Volunteer Police Cadets.
National Garden Scheme North East Wales County Team of Volunteers In recognition of their work supporting the numerous NGS garden openings across the area each year, raising substantial sums for multiple charities
Wrexham Litter Pickers In recognition of their commitment to keeping local areas free from litter and building a stronger community spirit.
The High Sheriff ended by thanking Dawn Roberts-McCabe, the Chief Officer and Ken Rowlands of AVOW the County Voluntary Council for Wrexham who facilitated the nomination process this year. She also added a large thank you to North Wales Police, PACT and Crimebeat North Wales for their unending engagement with the High Sheriffs of both Clwyd and Gwynedd.
Mrs Hill-Trevor’s tenure as High Sheriff of Clwyd commenced in April 2023 and will shortly finish as the post is for a single year. The Community Awards ceremony is one of the highlights of the Shrieval year and Mrs Hill-Trevor said “Clwyd really is very lucky to have such a strong and vibrant Voluntary sector. I certainly have been humbled and uplifted by everyone I have met during my year in office.
I hope that these awards will also encourage more people to give volunteering a go – there really is a volunteering opportunity out there for everyone and together we can make a difference.”
Following the awards, guests enjoyed afternoon tea and the chance to share stories of their volunteering journeys in the historic setting of Brynkinalt.
Next week is National Apprenticeship Week (NAW)! Between February 5th to the 11th individuals, employers, training providers and communities will be highlighting and celebrating the achievements of apprentices around the United Kingdom and encouraging people to consider how apprenticeships can help to provide #SkillsForLife.
Here is our Business Administration apprentice sharing their experience.
“I began my apprenticeship with the FLVC in early January as a Business Administrator and I am enjoying the experience greatly. I’m getting to learn and experience things while I work which betters my understanding of the job and workplace. My colleagues are very supportive, kind, and friendly. They understand my needs and are very encouraging.
The apprenticeship is a fantastic opportunity for me. To be able to learn and gain a qualification in this way is very suitable for me. It is helping me to build my confidence and self-belief and I am already doing things I didn’t think I could. I am very thankful for the opportunity and I’m looking forward to what It will bring me.”
for more information please visit
Flintshire Local Voluntary Council has recently achieved the Trusted Standard Level 1 recognising the excellent work it does as a third sector organisation in Wales.
Flintshire Local Voluntary Council have recently been awarded Trusted Charity Status. The quality mark is awarded after an online and independent assessment. Hosted by the Growth company (Weblink) , the standard covers areas of assessment such as Governance, Planning and working with others, Chief Officer Ann Woods also recently co-hosted a national Webinar on the Core standards of the Award, sharing FLVC’s experience of the assessment process.
‘The Trusted Charity assessment process provided a focussed work plan for us as an organisation to look at areas for development, whilst also giving us the opportunity to reflect on things we do well. Trustees and the whole staff team were involved in the assessment process, which ensured we all take ownership of the organisation’s aim to deliver a high quality service to the Third Sector’. Ann Woods Chief Officer, FLVC
“There is a high level of engagement at local, regional and national level for a relatively small organisation. FLVC is able to influence and make a real difference to strategic plans and policy which impact on their community. This ability to ‘punch above their weight’ is testament to the leadership of the organisation and the relationships and reputation it has built over many years. It also reflects the values upheld by the leaders, including avoiding competition with local Voluntary Sector Organisations (VSOs). The outcomes of this proactive partnership working is that FLVC is invited to contribute to, chair and be actively involved in several influential networks and forums.
Such work not only has a positive impact on local or regional issues but also helps to inform national strategy, activities and resources.” Dr. Sue Newberry
If any organisation is interested in the Award the contact details are [email protected] , or give FLVC a call for an informal chat about what is involved 01352 744000, [email protected]
The Next Flintshire Volunteers Organisers Network Meeting is being held at
Jade Jones Pavilion, Flint
Wednesday 22nd May 2024, 9.30 and til 12pm
if you would like to attend please Book Here
Keep up to date with news and more and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram