Swyddi Gwag Cyfredol
Swyddi Gwag Cyfredol

Caiff swyddi gwag eu cyflwyno ar ran mudiadau eraill ledled Gogledd Cynru a'r ardaloedd cyfagos. 'Cliciwch' ar y teitl swydd i weld mwy o wybodaeth
Canolfan Gymorth Trais a Cham-drin Rhywiol Gogledd Cymru - Swyddog Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu Plant a Phobl Ifanc
Teitl Swydd: Swyddog Allgymorth ac Ymgysylltu Plant a Phobl Ifanc
Yn gyfrifol i: Pennaeth Gweithrediadau/Prif Swyddog Gweithredol
Cyflog / Gradd: £32,000 y flwyddyn (yn codi i £32,960 ar ôl y cyfnod prawf)
Gwyliau blynyddol: 28 diwrnod yn ogystal â Gwyliau Banc
Oriau: 35 awr yr wythnos, o ddydd Llun i ddydd Gwener a’r angen am weithio hyblyg i gwrdd ag anghenion y sefydliad.
Lleoliad: Canolfannau RASASC GC, Bangor a / neu Rhyl
Dyddiad cau: 16 Chwefror 2025
Cliciwch yma i weld yr hysbyseb swydd
RASASC NW is a registered charity providing specialist support and therapy to children (3+) and adults living in North Wales, who have experienced any form of child sexual abuse, sexual abuse / violence and / or rape, whether this has happened recently or in the past. We also provide specialist support and therapy to partners and family members of those who have been affected by sexual abuse and violence.
Pwrpas y Swydd
Datblygu a darparu amrywiaeth o ymyriadau addysg a llesiant deinamig a diddorol i blant, pobl ifanc, oedolion a gweithwyr proffesiynol ar amrywiaeth eang o bynciau fel iechyd rhywiol, iechyd atgenhedlol, perthnasoedd a llesiant, gan gynnwys ymgyrch hyfforddi Peidiwch â Dwyn Fy Nyfodol gan RASASCGC.
Mae’r swydd hon wedi cael ei chreu i yrru gwaith RASASC GC yn ei flaen drwy ymgysylltu â rhanddeiliaid lleol i ddarparu hyfforddiant wedi’i deilwra, gyda ffocws penodol ar leoliadau addysgol a phlant a phobl ifanc.
Swydd allgymorth, sy’n gofyn am deithio’n aml i amrywiaeth o leoliadau addysg a chymunedol i ddarparu sesiynau dosbarth cyfan wyneb yn wyneb a digidol, sesiynau grŵp bach a rhaglenni 1:1. Bydd y rhain ar gael i bobl ifanc, defnyddwyr gwasanaeth, rhieni/gofalwyr a’r gweithlu pobl ifanc ehangach.
Datblygu a darparu rhaglenni cymorth grŵp therapiwtig sy’n seiliedig ar drawma i ddefnyddwyr gwasanaeth RASASC GC, gan gynnwys aelodau o’r teulu. Bydd y rhaglenni’n helpu goroeswyr i ddod i delerau â’u profiadau, datblygu mecanweithiau ymdopi cadarnhaol, a nodi eu hanghenion ar gyfer adferiad.
Home-Start Flintshire - Volunteer Co-ordinator
Permanent Contract: 30 hours per week (worked flexibly according to the need of the scheme, including some morning, evening and weekend work).
Salary: NJC SCP 12– 20 - £27,711 - £31,586 pro rata (dependent on previous, relevant experience)
Closing date: Monday 17th February 2025 at 9:00am
Interviews: Monday 24th February 2025
Home-Start Flintshire is an established local family support charity working across the whole of Flintshire.
We want to strengthen and diversify our work so that we reach and support more families when they need the help most. As a volunteer led service we’re capturing the skills and experience of local residents and facilitating a people led, peer support service.
We have an exciting vacancy for a role focusing on removing barriers to volunteering, developing new more accessible roles, networking & promoting our volunteering opportunities in the community. If you share our passion to make a difference, then we'd love to hear from you.
The role involves:
- Recruiting, training, supporting and retaining our volunteer workforce
- Widening our recruitment pool of volunteers by targeting a more diverse sector of our community by launching a new recruitment campaign
- Removing barriers by offering bespoke training to aid the move into volunteering
This is a permanent contract to start as soon as possible. The hours of work are 30 hours per week (worked flexibly according to the need of the scheme) including some morning, evening and weekend work.
The post will be based in Mold and operate throughout Flintshire. Applicants must have use of their own car, for which expenses are paid. A Disclosure and Barring Service notification (Enhanced Level) will be required.
Click here to view the full job advert
Application packs are available from: [email protected]
For an informal chat about this vacancy please call: Amy Saynor, Scheme Co-ordinator on 07856 995929 or Sharon Windsor, Scheme Manager on 07716 679048
Home-Start Flintshire - Part-time Group Activity Worker
Part-time Group Activity Worker (2 fixed term posts available): Maternity Cover – up to 12 month post, Temporary 12 month Fixed Term post.
Hours: 18.5 hours per week (worked flexibly according to the need of the scheme, including some morning, evening and weekend work).
Salary: NJC SCP 7 - 11 - £25,584 - £27,269 pro rata (dependent on previous, relevant experience)
Closing date: 9 am on Monday 17th February 2025.
Interviews: Tuesday 25th February 2025
Do you share our passion that no child’s future should be limited? If you have experience in early years, education or family support, we'd love to hear from you.
Home-Start Flintshire is a local family support charity working across the whole of Flintshire. Working with children aged 11 and under and their families. With a focus on early years.
The role is:
- To develop, co-ordinate & deliver targeted groups for children and their families within the local community.
- The post holder will work with our staff team to support our group provision volunteers.
- Ensure a quality provision is offered to support children’s learning and development.
The post holder will also need to work in close partnership with statutory and voluntary organisations, as well as in co-operation with and as directed by the Scheme Manager and Trustees.
Both posts are fixed term contracts to start as soon as possible. The hours of work are 18.5 hours per week (worked flexibly according to the need of the scheme) including some morning, evening and weekend work. The post will be based in Mold and operate throughout Flintshire. Applicants must have use of their own car, for which expenses are paid. A Disclosure and Barring Service notification (Enhanced Level) will be required.
Click here to view the full job advert
Application packs are available from: [email protected]
For an informal chat about this vacancy please call Wendy Radley, Project Co-ordinator on 07895 290504
Care & Repair Cymru – Caseworker
Agency: Care & Repair North East Wales
Location: Flintshire & Wrexham
Salary: £28,344
Hours: 37 hours per week worked primarily across office hours
Closing date: 17/02/2025
About the role
The purpose of this role:
- To provide a high-quality advice and casework service to our clients in line with the standards set out in the Advice Quality Standard.
- To provide advice to people wishing to carry out improvements, repairs and adaptations to their properties.
- Enable people to remain independent in their own homes where appropriate
For more information about this role including a full job specification, please see the recruitment pack available here
How to apply
Please send an up-to-date copy of your CV and a supporting statement of no more than 2 sides of A4 including:
- Introduction
- Why you are applying for the job role
- Using the job specification, how you meet the criteria for the role.
NB: Please note if you do not provide a personal statement your application cannot be considered.
Applications should be addressed to Jo Nicol at [email protected]
Closing date Monday 17 February 2025 at 12 noon.
Swyddog Prosiect - HOPE - Sir Ddinbych, Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam
Teilt y Swydd: Swyddog Prosiect – Rhan Amser
Categori’r Swydd: Age Cymru – Prosiect HOPE
Lleoliad: Sir Ddinbych, Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam
Cyflog: £22,798 (CALl £28,497)
Math o gytundeb: Cytundeb Tymor Penodol hyd at 31/3/26 - 28 awr yr wythnos
Dyddiad cau: 21 Chwefror 2025
Mae Age Cymru’n chwilio am Swyddog Prosiect rhan amser. Rydyn ni’n chwilio am unigolyn sydd â sgiliau cyfathrebu da, ac sydd yn medru gweithio’n dda gyda phobl, er mwyn cefnogi gwaith pwysig Prosiect HOPE (Helpu eraill i gymryd rhan ac ymgysylltu). Mae’r prosiect yn gweithio’n agos ac ar y cyd gydag Age Connects lleol a phartneriaid Age Cymru. Mae’r prosiect yn hynod o bwysig er mwyn darparu eiriolaeth annibynnol ar gyfer pobl hŷn a’u gofalwyr ledled Cymru. (Contract cyfnod penodol tan 31/03/2026)
Wrth gefnogi datblygiad eiriolaeth yn yr ardal, byddwch chi’n ein helpu ni i gyflawni nodau prosiect HOPE sydd yn ymwneud â darparu ymyrraeth gynnar i bobl hŷn drwy roi llais iddyn nhw.
Mae’r prosiect cyffrous hwn yn cefnogi pobl i ymgysylltu, sicrhau bod pobl yn clywed eu lleisiau, eu cefnogi i rannu profiadau, gwella ymwybyddiaeth o eiriolaeth, a datblygu eu sgiliau a’u gwybodaeth.
Wrth weithio fel rhan o dîm prosiect rhanbarthol byddwch chi’n rhan o’r gwaith recriwtio, hyfforddi, a rheoli gwirfoddolwyr o ddydd i ddydd. Mae gwirfoddolwyr yn darparu cefnogaeth i bobl hŷn. Byddwch chi’n gyfrifol am gysylltu gyda phobl hŷn a’u gofalwyr yn gyson er mwyn creu atgyfeiriadau eiriolaeth, a dyrannu’r rhain i’r gwirfoddolwyr. Mae angen llawer o empathi a dealltwriaeth i gyflawni’r rôl hon.
Mae’r swydd yn cynnig gweithio hybrid, cymysgedd o weithio gartref a gweithio yn y swyddfa, yn ogystal â theithio ledled Sir Ddinbych, Sir y Fflint a Wrecsam. Y swyddfa gytundebol fydd swyddfa Age Connects Gogledd Ddwyrain Cymru yn Fflint. Rydyn ni’n croesawu ceisiadau o’r ardaloedd hynny. Bydd angen i’r deiliad llwyddiannus ddarparu car ar gyfer defnydd busnes a bydd treuliau teithio yn cael eu cynnwys.
Nodwch fod y cyflog yn gyfwerth â swydd llawn amser 35 awr yr wythnos. Bydd y cyflog yn pro-rata am 28 awr yr wythnos. Bydd angen achlysurol i weithio gyda’r hwyr ac ar benwythnosau, a bydd hyn yn cael ei gadarnhau a’i drefnu o flaen llaw.
Swyddog Prosiect - HOPE - Ynys Môn, Gwynedd a Chonwy
Teilt y Swydd: Swyddog Prosiect – Rhan Amser
Categori’r Swydd: Age Cymru – Prosiect HOPE
Lleoliad: Ynys Môn, Gwynedd a Chonwy
Cyflog: £22,798 (CALl £28,497)
Math o gytundeb: Cytundeb Tymor Penodol hyd at 31/3/26 - 28 awr yr wythnos
Dyddiad cau: 21 Chwefror 2025
Mae Age Cymru’n chwilio am Swyddog Prosiect rhan amser. Rydyn ni’n chwilio am unigolyn sydd â sgiliau cyfathrebu da, ac sydd yn medru gweithio’n dda gyda phobl, er mwyn cefnogi gwaith pwysig Prosiect HOPE (Helpu eraill i gymryd rhan ac ymgysylltu). Mae’r prosiect yn gweithio’n agos ac ar y cyd gydag Age Connects lleol a phartneriaid Age Cymru. Mae’r prosiect yn hynod o bwysig er mwyn darparu eiriolaeth annibynnol ar gyfer pobl hŷn a’u gofalwyr ledled Cymru. (Contract cyfnod penodol tan 31/03/2026)
Wrth gefnogi datblygiad eiriolaeth yn yr ardal, byddwch chi’n ein helpu ni i gyflawni nodau prosiect HOPE sydd yn ymwneud â darparu ymyrraeth gynnar i bobl hŷn drwy roi llais iddyn nhw.
Mae’r prosiect cyffrous hwn yn cefnogi pobl i ymgysylltu, sicrhau bod pobl yn clywed eu lleisiau, eu cefnogi i rannu profiadau, gwella ymwybyddiaeth o eiriolaeth, a datblygu eu sgiliau a’u gwybodaeth.
Wrth weithio fel rhan o dîm prosiect rhanbarthol byddwch chi’n rhan o’r gwaith recriwtio, hyfforddi, a rheoli gwirfoddolwyr o ddydd i ddydd. Mae gwirfoddolwyr yn darparu cefnogaeth i bobl hŷn. Byddwch chi’n gyfrifol am gysylltu gyda phobl hŷn a’u gofalwyr yn gyson er mwyn creu atgyfeiriadau eiriolaeth, a dyrannu’r rhain i’r gwirfoddolwyr. Mae angen llawer o empathi a dealltwriaeth i gyflawni’r rôl hon.
Mae’r swydd yn cynnig gweithio hybrid, cymysgedd o weithio gartref a gweithio yn y swyddfa, yn ogystal â theithio ledled Gwynedd, Ynys Môn a Chonwy. Y swyddfa gytundebol fydd swyddfa Age Cymru Gwynedd a Môn yn y Bontnewydd. Rydyn ni’n croesawu ceisiadau o’r ardaloedd hynny. Bydd angen i’r deiliad llwyddiannus ddarparu car ar gyfer defnydd busnes a bydd treuliau teithio yn cael eu cynnwys.
Nodwch fod y cyflog yn gyfwerth â swydd llawn amser 35 awr yr wythnos. Bydd y cyflog yn pro-rata am 28 awr yr wythnos. Bydd angen achlysurol i weithio gyda’r hwyr ac ar benwythnosau, a bydd hyn yn cael ei gadarnhau a’i drefnu o flaen llaw.
Cydlynydd Gwirfoddolwyr - HOPE – Gogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru
Teilt y Swydd: Cydlynydd Gwirfoddolwyr – Rhan Amser
Categori’r Swydd: Age Cymru – Prosiect HOPE
Lleoliad: Gogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru
Cyflog: £21,648 (CALl £27,060)
Math o gytundeb: Cytundeb Tymor Penodol hyd at 31/3/26 - 28 awr yr wythnos
Dyddiad cau: 21 Chwefror 2025
Allwch chi ein helpu ni i wneud Cymru'n lle gwych i heneiddio?
Helpwch i gyflawni amcanion prosiect HOPE drwy recriwtio gwirfoddolwyr addas o fewn y rhanbarth i ddarparu cymorth eiriolaeth ar lefel gymunedol ac i gefnogi a goruchwylio sefydlu a rhedeg rhwydwaith gwirfoddolwyr eiriolaeth rhanbarthol, gan weithio'n agos ac ar y cyd â phartneriaid Age Connects ac Age Cymru lleol.
Teitl y Swydd: Arweinydd Clinigol - Gwasanaethau Oedolion
Wedi’i lleoli yn: Prif swyddfa yn y Rhyl a Bangor, hyblygrwydd yn hanfodol i weithio o wahanol ganolfannau allgymorth ar draws Gogledd Cymru
Yn atebol i: Prif Weithredwr
Cyflog/Gradd: £36,000 - £40,000 y flwyddyn pro rata (Yn dibynnu ar brofiad)
Oriau: 35 awr yr wythnos
Contract: Parhaol
Dyddiad Cau ar gyfer Ceisiadau: 21 Chwefror 2025.
Ar hyn o bryd rydym yn recriwtio Arweinydd Clinigol llawn amser 35 yr awr yr wythnos, i ymuno â’n helusen, i weithio gyda chleientiaid bregus sydd wedi profi cam-drin rhywiol, trais rhywiol, ymosodiadau rhywiol a/neu gamdriniaeth yng Ngogledd Cymru. Ydych chi eisiau ymuno â thîm agos tra hefyd yn derbyn hyfforddiant parhaus, cyfraniadau pensiwn a gweithio hyblyg?
Pwrpas y Swydd:
Bydd y swydd hon yn ein cefnogi i barhau i ddarparu gwasanaethau diogel, moesegol ac amserol i gleientiaid RASASC GC, trwy weithio'n agos gyda'n cwnselwyr, staff, goruchwylwyr a gweithwyr cefnogol mewn cyfarfodydd un-i-un, grŵp ac achlysurol. Bydd y rôl yma hefyd yn gyfrifol am fonitro a gweithredu polisïau a gweithdrefnau rheolaethol mewnol, cynnal awdit achosion rheolaidd a darparu hyfforddiant ac arweiniad, lle bo angen, i staff, partneriaid, comisiynwyr ac asiantaethau cyfeirio. Bydd y rôl yn cefnogi recriwtio, rheoli, goruchwylio a datblygu cwnselwyr oedolion, goruchwylwyr a gweithwyr cymorth. Bydd yr ymgeisydd llwyddiannus hefyd yn gweithio â'r Arweinydd Clinigol Plant a Phobl Ifanc, Pennaeth Gweithrediadau/Dirprwy Brif Weithredwr ar Brif Weithredwr i ddarparu cefnogaeth cyswllt cyntaf i gleientiaid a chyfrannu tuag at redeg swyddogaethau'r swyddfa wrth gefn.
Ein cynnig i chi:
- 28 diwrnod o wyliau blynyddol (pro rata) ynghyd â gwyliau banc
- Trefniant gweithio hyblyg (fel y caniateir gan ofynion y rôl)
- Cynllun Pensiwn
- Croeso cynnes, cyflwyniad, rhaglen sefydlu a hyfforddiant i'ch cefnogi yn eich rôl.
Am fwy o wybodaeth neu am ffurflen gais cysylltwch gyda : [email protected] neu cysylltwch â’r swyddfa: 01248 670 628.
Job Title: Debt Caseworker
Salary: £24,901- £29,489 (depending on qualifications and experience)
Pension: Matched up to 5%
Hours: 37.5 hours per week
Location: During your probationary period you will work from our office in Mold, Flintshire. Following a successful probation hybrid working is allowed, split between home and office.
Holidays: 25 days per annum plus bank holidays
Responsible to: Debt Service Manager
Closing Date: 9am on Tuesday 25th February
Could you support clients with budgeting and managing debts through advice and support tailored to their needs? Could you use your skills and relevant resources to identify urgent situations and ensure any possible action is taken immediately?
As a Debt Caseworker you will provide tailored debt and money advice to a range of clients across Flintshire. Your typical day would involve:
- Speaking with clients to explore their situation and problems.
- Providing advice on maximising income, priority and non-priority debts and money advice issues.
- Making informed decisions about what the next steps should be, based on understanding the problem, the client’s capability, and the effective use of resources
- Identifying urgent situations and ensuring any possible action is taken immediately.
- Providing ongoing advice and support (casework) for clients, as appropriate.
- Maintaining detailed case records.
- Attending supervision sessions and team meetings, sharing what you’ve learnt with the rest of the team and learning from other team members.
What we are looking for:
To be successful in the role of Debt Caseworker you will:
- Ideally have direct experience as a debt adviser, able to confidently provide complex debt advice and undertake ongoing casework.
- Have a passion for supporting people and be able to empathise with clients.
- Want to improve people's quality of life through the provision of information and advice.
- Be confident and experienced working with numbers, ideally experienced in debt repayment calculations and financial statements.
- Have effective communication skills with particular emphasis on negotiating, representing, and preparing reports and correspondence.
- Have strong problem solving skills, or previous experience in roles that have required attention to detail and logical thinking.
- Be competent, experienced and comfortable using a range of communication methods and platforms, and also IT systems such as Word and Google Docs.
- Have good written and verbal communication skills.
We are also happy to receive applications from people who perhaps have limited debt advice experience but have relevant transferable skills for this role. If you join us as a trainee you must be willing to learn and undertake extensive training to become a Debt Caseworker, following a structured plan involving both online and in-person training.
Citizens Advice Flintshire (CAF) is a charity established in 1964, providing advice services on various community needs. It offers support on issues like benefits, debt, employment, discrimination, family, housing, immigration, and health. CAF advocates for legal and service improvements using individual cases. With main offices in Mold, Connah’s Quay, and Holywell, and multiple outreach locations, CAF offers assistance through phone and online platforms.
Click here to view the job pack
Full details about the role can be found on our website - https://flintshirecab.org.uk/work-with-us/
Application is by CV and cover letter to: [email protected]
Job Title: Therapeutic Support Manager
Reports to: Head of Family Support
Location: The Joshua Tree, Cheshire or North Wales Sites
Salary: 30 hours per week, £35,000 FTE
Deadline: 25th February 2025
The Joshua Tree is a dedicated charity committed to providing tailored support to families affected by childhood cancers. We strive to ensure that families receive compassionate care and the resources they need to navigate the most challenging of times.
We are seeking an experienced and qualified Therapeutic Support Manager to oversee our counselling and therapeutic work. This will include completion of detailed assessments and developing support plan tailored to each family and crucially overseeing our cohort of bank counselling staff.
This is an exciting opportunity for a skilled counsellor with expertise in child bereavement and trauma to make a meaningful impact.
Click here to view the full job description. It contains information on the role, responsibilities, qualifications needed, and the experience required.
How to Apply: To apply, please send your CV and a cover letter detailing your suitability for the role to [email protected] by 25th February 2025.
Should The Joshua Tree receive a high volume of applications, we reserve the right to close the application process early. Interviews will be scheduled w/c 3rd March 2025.
Informal enquiries may be made to Danielle Percival, Head of Family Support, [email protected] or 01606331858
Neuro Therapy Centre - Cook
Hours: 25 hours, Monday - Friday (some adhoc evening/weekend work may be required)
£12.60 per hour
Holiday: 24 days pro rota including Bank Holidays
Location: Saltney, near Chester
Application deadline: 27/2/25
The Neuro Therapy Centre is at an exciting time in developing its services and facilities. The next stage of our plans is to expand our café facilities which are at the heart of our Centre’s social space.
We are seeking a skilled and experienced Cook to join our team. This new role will join us at a key point in our expansion plans and will be able to influence the creation of new facilities, service development, and the role of the Centre’s café in supporting people.
The charity supports people living with neurological conditions and their Carers, and our refreshment services are an important part of providing a warm meal, nourishing snack, or a refreshing drink whilst enjoying the opportunity to make friends and socialise.
The Cook will be responsible for preparing and cooking a variety of dishes, ensuring that the food is of high quality, and maintaining a clean and organized kitchen. The ideal candidate will have a passion for cooking, excellent culinary skills, and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment.
To apply for the role please send a CV and covering letter to [email protected]
If you have any questions about the role please call 01244 678619 or e-mail [email protected]
Full Job description/Person specification available at: www.neurotherapycentre.org/Pages/Category/job-vacancies
WeMindTheGap - Youth Development Officer
Location: Flintshire and Wrexham, including regional travel and to other WeMindTheGap communities
Salary: £25,500-£28,000
Start Date: Monday 14th April 2025
Contract: Permanent, 30 hours per week
Annual Leave: 25 days pro rata per year plus Bank Holidays
Reporting to: Youth Programme Lead
Applications close: Thursday 6th March 2025
We are looking for our next Youth Development Officer: a role model who is there to make sure that our young people can make the most of every opportunity presented to them over the course of their WeMindTheGap programme, and beyond! Could you be who we’re looking for?
Do you have a passion for making a difference in the lives of young people? Are you looking for a rewarding career where you can use your skills and experience to help others reach their full potential? If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you! WeMindTheGap is seeking a passionate and dedicated Youth Development Officer to join our team.
Someone who can be the ultimate role model for our Gappies, showing them what a responsible employee looks like, sharing life skills and experience in a way which encourages them to choose positive behaviours. In this role, you will be responsible for supporting the successful delivery of our youth development programmes, providing support and guidance to young people.
Download the recruitment pack for full details: WMTG Recruitment Pack Template A4 JAN 2025 – Youth Development Officer (Flintshire & Wrexham)
How to apply:
To apply please send us your CV along with a one-page covering letter (or 2-minute video) outlining your suitability for the role. If you have accessibility requirements and wish to submit your application in a different format, please let us know.
Your application will be considered based on how well you match the person specification (see full Recruitment Pack on our website) for this role, and successful employment will be subject to an enhanced DBS check and suitable references.
WeMindTheGap - Youth Programme Lead
Location: Flintshire & Wrexham, including regional travel and to other WeMindTheGap communities
Salary: £30,500-£33,000
Start Date: Monday 14th April 2025
Contract: Permanent, full-time 37.5 hours per week
Annual Leave: 25 days pro rata per year plus Bank Holidays
Reporting to: Community Maker
Applications close: Thursday 6th March 2025
We are looking for our next Youth Programme Lead: a role model who is there to make sure that our young people can make the most of every opportunity presented to them over the course of their WeMindTheGap programme, and beyond! Could you be who we’re looking for?
Do you have a passion for making a difference in the lives of young people? Are you looking for a rewarding career where you can use your skills and experience to help others reach their full potential? If so, we have the perfect opportunity for you! WeMindTheGap is seeking a passionate and dedicated Youth Programme Lead to join our team.
Someone who can be the ultimate role model for our Gappies, showing them what a responsible employee looks like, sharing life skills and experience in a way which encourages them to choose positive behaviours. In this role, you will be responsible for the successful delivery of our youth development programmes, providing support and guidance to young people.
Download our recruitment pack: WMTG Recruitment Pack Template A4 JAN 2025 – Youth Programme Lead (Flintshire & Wrexham)
How to apply:
To apply please send us your CV along with a one-page covering letter (or 2-minute video) outlining your suitability for the role. If you have accessibility requirements and wish to submit your application in a different format, please let us know.
Your application will be considered based on how well you match the person specification (see full Recruitment Pack on our website) for this role, and successful employment will be subject to an enhanced DBS check and suitable references.